When purchasing this digital product, you will gain access to the MVE Rank for 1 Month.
- MVE Perks:
- In-game [MVP] tag
- Toggle tag command /tag
- Queue Skip
- 10 Homes
- 8 Second teleport to home
- 10 Second teleport to player
- 10 Second trade Cooldown
- 13% Discount In-game /shop
- /kit mvp
- /kit mvppvp
- /sil - Load custom images to signs from a remote URL
- /mymini - Spawn mini copter every 2h
Split up into a kit with 2 uses every wipe for your safety - so the resources below is what you get in total
- Stone - 250000
- Sulfur Ore - 145000
- Wood - 250000
- Metal - 145000
- HQM - 7000
- Cloth - 14000
- Leather - 14000
- Scraps - 7000
- Lowgrade fuel - 14000
- Metal Spring - 50
- Rifle body - 10
- Metal pipe - 100
- Rope - 100
- Gears - 100
- 6 Supply Signals
MVP PVP kit, claim every 1 hour
- VIP Role in Discord
- MVP Resources Kit (2 uses 10min cooldown )
- MVP PVP Kit (Redeemable every 45 Min)
NOTE: These kits cannot be redeemed within the first 3 hours of wipe
So this means you will have to wait 3 full hours after the server has wiped to be able to redeem this kit. This cooldown is purely for balancing, so we really hope you can come to terms with this!
- /skin or /s (skin items as per normal skinbox)
- /skinitem or /si (look at items that have already been placed such as a furnace or largebox and type the command and select the desired skin)
- /skincraft or /sc – (select default crafting skins. This will overwrite the default skin when you craft items)
- /skincon or /scon – (sets all items in a container you are looking at to your default craft skins)
- /skininv or /sinv – (sets all items in your inventory to your default craft skins)
- /SkinBase Command - Allows you to skin all deployables in your base to your default skincraft skins. You can optionally specify certain deplorables such as /skinbase sleepingbag to only skin sleeping bags.
- /SkinAll Command - This is like the skincon command but it will skin all the items in all the containers in your base. You can optionally specify certain items such as /SkinAll rifle.ak to only skin ak47's.